Covid & Surrogacy

Covid has changed so much in our normal day to day life. It has changed how we go to the grocery store, how our kids go to school or if they go to school and so much more. There have been many changes that we have made in the surrogacy world too. 

 Anytime you go to the clinic or doctor’s office you will have to wear a mask. Also, some clinics are requiring Covid tests a few days before the embryo transfer to ensure the safety of all parties. Usually the intended parents are allowed in the room at the time of embryo transfer, but today, most clinics are just allowing the spouse of the surrogate in the room.  

 Match meetings that are normally done in person have now moved to a video chat platform. All normal support meets up with our agency have all moved to virtual instead of in person meet ups. 

 Intended parents that live outside of the United States might have trouble getting into the country when their baby is born. There might be a required amount of time that they need to quarantine after arriving in the country before getting their baby/ies. Depending on the hospital, there might be a limit to who can be in the room at the time of delivery or who can visit. Everything is up in the air and changing daily so be ready to be flexible! 

 If you have any questions about how we are adjusting to Covid and how we are keeping our staff and surrogates safe, feel free to reach out. The good news is, surrogacy hasn’t been put on hold! There are intended parents waiting to find the right surrogate to help grow their family. A pandemic doesn’t stop families from growing!

Help grow a family!